Proses signup cukup mudah, hanya beberapa step saja kita sudah dapat sigin ke account kita. Untuk feature-feature fantastico, PHP+MYSQL belum dicoba, kita juga diberikan server name untuk redirect ke domain kita dalam hal ini saya redirect ke webhosting yang ada di
Wah repot juga sama repotnya waktu diminta update report progress :D , data manual ada di Grissik, sekarang masih di Jambi besok ke SJB..
Tulisan ini buat yang masih pemula seperti saya, pointnya bagaimana kita dapat belajar membuat email dengan domain kita sendiri eg:, hosting blogg pribadi(dengan Wordpress) atau redirect blogg di Bloggspot.
Nach daripada main dilocalhost tapi design web or blogg(bisa gunakan xammp untuk wordpress)tidak pernah diupload kan sayang..
Oh ya xammp merupakan menyediakan web server+PHP MyAdmin+MySQL bisa dicoba untuk di localhost atau PC pribadi yang tidak connect ke internet, tersedia pada platform M$, LInux dan MacOS
jadi kita bisa memanfaatkan xammp untuk mencoba terlebih dahulu, coba buat webhosting dan domain, he..he..menurut saya ini cara minimalis(modal) untuk kearah yang lebih serius...
Ini sekedar sharing...dapat link gara-gara iseng create account addsense tapi link nya gak diapprove sama google karena unsupport langue(Bahasa Indonesia) mungkin kalau yang biasa main addsense bisa aja kalee..
Maaf juga bahasa dan bahasan kurang fokus dan tidak terstruktur.., lah judul bloggnya aja Coretan Didit Permana, dibilang kontempelasi didunia maya..gak banget dech.., kalau sekarang ngeblogg hanya nunggu waktu aja, walau gak aktif lagi sebagai browser engineer(Tukang browsing..:D )tapi tetap keinginan belajar menulis lanjut teruss..Beli buku kadang-kadang(jarang dibaca), sebuah bagian dari proses pembelajaran biar saya bisa menularkan budaya menulis dan baca kepada dua jagoan kecil saya Danish dan Fafa (bunda Ifta said)
Sudah dulu ach..ada pak security conoco phillips, Jambi Office (Mas Marjohan) nemenin ngobrol, gak etis dunk gue ngeblogg sementara orang ngajak ngobrol...
Ini copy paste dari free webhosting (GAK BAGUS COPY PASTE) Don'try this at your site
Welcome to the first and only - user donations supported free web hosting service. We provide you will the most reliable and feature-rich web hosting service without advertising. Lightning fast website loading speed, zero downtime, fanatic user support and instant activation - that is why you will love doing business with - $0.00 webhost
1500 MB Disk Space, 100 GB Data Transfer
We have enough room for your website, emails and databases. All our servers are also connected to dedicated 10mbps internet lines, so we can give you 100 GB data transfer absolutely free.
PHP with MySQL Database Support
Unlike other free webhosts we do support PHP and MySQL with no restrictions. You get full access to the latest version of PHP and MySQL. The following PHP features are fully supported:
PHP mail() function and Sendmail
Curl, GD2 library, ImageMagick, Zend
fopen() and PHP sockets
safe_mode is OFF, file uploads ON
Zend Optimizer support, Ioncube loader.. and much more features are enabled
cPanel Control Panel
cPanel is the most advanced control panel in industry. It has tons of features and it is easy to use even for newbie. Interactive help, video tutorials will help you to understand why cPanel is the best and you will never want to switch to anything else. cPanel is widely used by the paid hosts, but we are giving you it absolutely free!
Check our cPanel Demo.
Fantastico De Luxe 1-Click Autoinstaller
Finally! We are the first free web hosting company that gives you access to Fantastico Autoinstatler. Fantastico is a system designed to make installing popular scripts easy. If you want to improve your web site with a discussion forum or an online gallery to show everyone your latest holiday snaps, you can. With a few clicks of your mouse your web site will be transformed into a fantastic resource for you, your business or your family.
Fantastico can install over 40 popular scripts such as: Drupal, Geeklog, Joomla, Xoops, WordPress, b2evolution, Support Logic Helpdesk, phpBB2, SMF, OS Commerce, ViPER Guestbook, Coppermine Photo Gallery, PhpWiki, PHPauction, WebCalendar and more. To see full list of available installations click here.
Website Builder Software
Our hosting is supercharged with SiteReptile website builder. SiteReptile is the easiest to use website builder in the market. Just 3 steps (enter your login details, select one of 330 high quality templates and click 'publish') and your website is ready online for editing. Just one click - and you have subpage created or contact form inserted.
Frequency Asked Questions!
Why it's all free? How do you earn?
We have 3 funding sources: we own paid hosting company, and we have strong financial ground; our service is user donations supported - each day we receive donations from happy users; and finally, we earn by offering paid upgrades for those who need more disk space and more services.
How long your hosting will be free?
Forever! Now we are 4 years in paid hosting business and over a year in free hosting market and we don't see any problems to keep everything up and running.
What are your guarantees?
1. We own all servers. No one can shut down or reload any server with your data.
2. Bandwidth will never run out, we have dedicated 10mbits connection lines on each server.
3. All accounts are backed up every 30 days and stored on remote server. You can also generate and download your account backup from cPanel 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
jago jago jago....thanks infonya...kemaren dah sempat pake..lumayan seeh..
emang jago om yang satu ini,..
dah nyoba dan masih di oprek..
thanks infonya om :D
mkasih ya bang atas info nya,,
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