..Sebuah cara untuk melampiaskan kejenuhan,cara yang naif dalam hidup. Mencari sesuatu yang semakin lama tidak jelas dan terasa jauh diraih, potret diri dengan gambaran buram yg jelas dan tidak menarik, dangkalnya kreatifitas dan makna, hanya berharap pada jejak untuk menertawai dengan senyum pahit di esok hari..,
Dunia maya selalu menawarkan segalanya...
Note : Use The Latest Mozilla Fire Fox Browser
Lobam June 19,2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
1 Tahun di AMC
Sambil nunggu Azhar Finishing Installation Setup PC nya Mba Rini..
Ga kerasa sudah tahun gue di AMC tepatnya 19 October 2004 masuk pas di Bulan Puasa menjelang hari raya idul Fitri karena alasan tertentu gw jadi pindah ke Lobam suatu keputusan yang banyak merubah semuanya...
:D entahlah Naif or...Bla...Bla...
yang Jelas sekarang gue dah punya "dede"....jagoanku yang Insya Allah bisa jadi penerusku, jadi Anak yang Shaleh.. Amien
:D gue baru dikasih Coffe Mix yang kemarin gue incer dari Lacinya Azhar, dia lagi ngoprek Linuxnya sekarang dia pakai MAndrivaz salah satu Distro linux sebelumnya sech sama pakai Fedora Core4 cuma ada dikit problem entah ketemu pa belum solusinya O/S dia jadi basis teks
Dah dulu ach..Azhar dah ngajak Balik..
Rencana mo Pindah Rumah or Buy ...
Monday, October 17, 2005
Hi Guys,
Setelah mengadakan Internal Meeting berdasarkan hasil Audit
dan hasil Observasi pada acara Buka Puasa bersama kemaren,
maka kami dari dewan juri dengan berat hati memutuskan :
1. Sayur Asem-nya kurang Air (kering),
2. Goreng Lele-nya pahit (jeroan-nya ga dibuang)
3. Kolak pisang kurang Air, pisang nya kecil2 tapi dipotong Panjang2,
4. Goreng Mendoan siapa yang bikin ya...., ko ada yang Bulet Gede-nya....,
5. Nasi terlalu Lembek (kebanyakan air hujan),
6. Goreng Tempe terlalu kecil2 dan kurus2, hapir ga ada kacang-nya,
7. Air putih-nya lumayan,
8. Sambel-nya lumayan,
9. Ceramah ustad Ady Sanusy Lumayan menyegarkan,
10. Ojek maijar lumayan Rajin,
Eni wey ...!!!, acaranya lumayan Rame,
Teng Kyu udah pada dateng (biarpun ujan2an),
Mudah2an beberapa temen kita yang berhalangan bisa dateng di kesempatan yang laen,
Vis man,
Sri Utami tambahin
Sri Utami tambahin
Tambahan ya..
11. ojeknya tidak bertanggung jawab masa aku sama yuri ditinggalin aja, kan kasian aa' nya ifta bolak balik nganterin kami...
Herna balas lagi..
Herna balas lagi..
Yaahh... Tuti ga bilang sih, kirain Karung Beras sama Tusukan satenya ga dibawa pulang,
kalo bilang kan saya sama maijar balik lagi....!!!, he he he,
Sorry...., sorry...!!!!,
-----Original Message-----
From: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com [mailto:Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 2:15 PM
To: IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=FTUTI@perkinelmer.com; ifta.widya@perkinelmer.com; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; Alex Herna; Inganta@infineon.com; IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=LHENY@perkinelmer.com; utamiree99@yahoo.com; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
kabogoh entu jenis kue yang ada hanya dibulan puasa, emang Tuti mau?tapi nggak pake teh kan???
-----Original Message-----
From: Fatmawati, Tuti [mailto:IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=FTUTI@perkinelmer.com]
Sent: 14 Oktober 2005 14:11
To: Widya, Ifta; Fuadi Ady (CAT BAT OP SS); 'ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com'; 'herna@nsbatam.com'; Purba Ngulihi Inganta (CAT BAT OP PROD TST); Listyani, Heny; 'utamiree99@yahoo.com'; 'andri_sigma@yahoo.com'; 'enyezt@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
Kabogah apaan seehhhh.....
Maklumlah bukan orang Sunda...
From: Widya, Ifta
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:51 PM
To: Fatmawati, Tuti; 'Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com'; 'ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com'; 'herna@nsbatam.com'; 'Inganta@infineon.com'; Listyani, Heny; 'utamiree99@yahoo.com'; 'andri_sigma@yahoo.com'; 'enyezt@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
Suami khusus aku doang dech kaya nya.
KAlo kalian ya kabogoh na gitu ato pacar ato calon.
Ifta Widya
From: Fatmawati, Tuti
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:49 PM
To: Widya, Ifta; 'Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com'; 'ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com'; 'herna@nsbatam.com'; 'Inganta@infineon.com'; Listyani, Heny; 'utamiree99@yahoo.com'; 'andri_sigma@yahoo.com'; 'enyezt@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
From: Widya, Ifta
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:43 PM
To: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com; Fatmawati, Tuti; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; herna@nsbatam.com; Inganta@infineon.com; Listyani, Heny; utamiree99@yahoo.com; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com; Fatmawati, Tuti
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
Oh iya satu lg neeh.
Boleh kok kalo kalian mo bawa temen or family or ....or suami
Tp bayar nya di hitung per kepala lho yah???
Tp ntar kalo suamiku ikut buka ga bayar yah??? He..he...he...
Kan aku sdh sedia-in tempat n BBM utk masak, sabun utk cuci piring peralatan2 n tempat.
Ifta Widya
From: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com [mailto:Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:27 PM
To: /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=FTUTI; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; Widya, Ifta; herna@nsbatam.com; Inganta@infineon.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LHENY; utamiree99@yahoo.com; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=HRITA
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
ih Tuti genit ah pake namanya "2T" kaya no kelurahan ane.......
-----Original Message-----
From: Fatmawati, Tuti [mailto:IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=FTUTI@perkinelmer.com]
Sent: 14 Oktober 2005 12:38
To: Ika Kartika Sari; Widya, Ifta; 'Alex Herna'; Fuadi Ady (CAT BAT OP SS); Purba Ngulihi Inganta (CAT BAT OP PROD TST); Listyani, Heny; sri utami; 'andri sofyan'; Agnez Andamsari; Hertati, Rita
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: Iuran to buka bersama
Hallo frend......
Kamu - kamu semua pada datang besok kan di "YURI PUNYA GAWE??????"
Nah.....kan kita2 pada ketemuan tuh
So.....iuran to buka bersama besok minggu bisa di serain besok di tempat YURI
Bisa ke aku or langsung ke Ifta
Dan yang gak bisa datang............bisa di titipin ama frend yang lain
Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
BalasBalas ke semuanyaTeruskanUndang Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com ke Gmail
Fatmawati, Tuti
Ye....... Orang maiyar yang bilang Katanye entar balik lagi Gitu.... Lagian k...
1:26 pm (14 menit yang lalu)
Widya, Ifta
kepada Ady.Fuadi, herna, utamiree99, Tuti ...
Lihat pilihan yang tersedia 1:40 pm (0 menit yang lalu)
Ye… Ady!!!
Tp ada yg kurang lg neeh. Dokumentasi. Kenapa nggak ada yg motret seeh????
HP pd bagus2 kok ga ada yg motret.
Laen kali kita adain lg yah, gantian di rumah siapa gitu???!!!!
Oh iya, lebaran ntar pada maen ke tempatku ya??
Ntar aku masak ketupat, sambal goreng hati + telor puyuh, rendang daging, opor ayam, acar ma kue2 kering.
Ada juga uli ma tape nya??!!!!
Mmmmm jd lapar neeh.
Ifta Widya
From: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com [mailto:Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 1:15 PM
To: herna@nsbatam.com; utamiree99@yahoo.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=FTUTI; Widya, Ifta; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; Inganta@infineon.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LHENY; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=HRITA
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com; spiderman.spider@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
masih untung aa-nya Ifta yang bolak-balik, daripada anaknya Ifta yang bolak balik kan repot
-----Original Message-----
From: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com [mailto:Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 2:15 PM
To: IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=FTUTI@perkinelmer.com; ifta.widya@perkinelmer.com; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; Alex Herna; Inganta@infineon.com; IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=LHENY@perkinelmer.com; utamiree99@yahoo.com; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
kabogoh entu jenis kue yang ada hanya dibulan puasa, emang Tuti mau?tapi nggak pake teh kan???
-----Original Message-----
From: Fatmawati, Tuti [mailto:IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=FTUTI@perkinelmer.com]
Sent: 14 Oktober 2005 14:11
To: Widya, Ifta; Fuadi Ady (CAT BAT OP SS); 'ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com'; 'herna@nsbatam.com'; Purba Ngulihi Inganta (CAT BAT OP PROD TST); Listyani, Heny; 'utamiree99@yahoo.com'; 'andri_sigma@yahoo.com'; 'enyezt@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
Kabogah apaan seehhhh.....
Maklumlah bukan orang Sunda...
From: Widya, Ifta
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:51 PM
To: Fatmawati, Tuti; 'Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com'; 'ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com'; 'herna@nsbatam.com'; 'Inganta@infineon.com'; Listyani, Heny; 'utamiree99@yahoo.com'; 'andri_sigma@yahoo.com'; 'enyezt@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
Suami khusus aku doang dech kaya nya.
KAlo kalian ya kabogoh na gitu ato pacar ato calon.
Ifta Widya
From: Fatmawati, Tuti
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:49 PM
To: Widya, Ifta; 'Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com'; 'ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com'; 'herna@nsbatam.com'; 'Inganta@infineon.com'; Listyani, Heny; 'utamiree99@yahoo.com'; 'andri_sigma@yahoo.com'; 'enyezt@yahoo.com'
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
From: Widya, Ifta
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:43 PM
To: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com; Fatmawati, Tuti; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; herna@nsbatam.com; Inganta@infineon.com; Listyani, Heny; utamiree99@yahoo.com; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com; Fatmawati, Tuti
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
Oh iya satu lg neeh.
Boleh kok kalo kalian mo bawa temen or family or ....or suami
Tp bayar nya di hitung per kepala lho yah???
Tp ntar kalo suamiku ikut buka ga bayar yah??? He..he...he...
Kan aku sdh sedia-in tempat n BBM utk masak, sabun utk cuci piring peralatan2 n tempat.
Ifta Widya
From: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com [mailto:Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com]
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 1:27 PM
To: /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=FTUTI; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; Widya, Ifta; herna@nsbatam.com; Inganta@infineon.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LHENY; utamiree99@yahoo.com; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=HRITA
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
ih Tuti genit ah pake namanya "2T" kaya no kelurahan ane.......
-----Original Message-----
From: Fatmawati, Tuti [mailto:IMCEAEX-_O=EG+26G_OU=OPTOBT-EX_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=FTUTI@perkinelmer.com]
Sent: 14 Oktober 2005 12:38
To: Ika Kartika Sari; Widya, Ifta; 'Alex Herna'; Fuadi Ady (CAT BAT OP SS); Purba Ngulihi Inganta (CAT BAT OP PROD TST); Listyani, Heny; sri utami; 'andri sofyan'; Agnez Andamsari; Hertati, Rita
Cc: 'yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com'
Subject: Iuran to buka bersama
Hallo frend......
Kamu - kamu semua pada datang besok kan di "YURI PUNYA GAWE??????"
Nah.....kan kita2 pada ketemuan tuh
So.....iuran to buka bersama besok minggu bisa di serain besok di tempat YURI
Bisa ke aku or langsung ke Ifta
Dan yang gak bisa datang............bisa di titipin ama frend yang lain
Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.
BalasBalas ke semuanyaTeruskanUndang Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com ke Gmail
Fatmawati, Tuti
Ye....... Orang maiyar yang bilang Katanye entar balik lagi Gitu.... Lagian k...
1:26 pm (14 menit yang lalu)
Widya, Ifta
kepada Ady.Fuadi, herna, utamiree99, Tuti ...
Lihat pilihan yang tersedia 1:40 pm (0 menit yang lalu)
Ye… Ady!!!
Tp ada yg kurang lg neeh. Dokumentasi. Kenapa nggak ada yg motret seeh????
HP pd bagus2 kok ga ada yg motret.
Laen kali kita adain lg yah, gantian di rumah siapa gitu???!!!!
Oh iya, lebaran ntar pada maen ke tempatku ya??
Ntar aku masak ketupat, sambal goreng hati + telor puyuh, rendang daging, opor ayam, acar ma kue2 kering.
Ada juga uli ma tape nya??!!!!
Mmmmm jd lapar neeh.
Ifta Widya
From: Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com [mailto:Ady.Fuadi@infineon.com]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 1:15 PM
To: herna@nsbatam.com; utamiree99@yahoo.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=FTUTI; Widya, Ifta; ika.kartika@id.panasonic.com; Inganta@infineon.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=LHENY; andri_sigma@yahoo.com; enyezt@yahoo.com; /O=EG&G/OU=OPTOBT-EX/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=HRITA
Cc: yuri_aidayani@yahoo.com; spiderman.spider@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Iuran to buka bersama
masih untung aa-nya Ifta yang bolak-balik, daripada anaknya Ifta yang bolak balik kan repot
MSDE SQL Server 2000
SQL Startup
Introduction to SQL
The Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most popular language used in computers to create and manage databases. SQL is a language with its own syntax and grammar. SQL is a universal language that doesn't belong to a particular company. This makes it easy for different companies or programming environments to adopt it. In this site, we will study techniques of creating databases and we will use the SQL.
SQL can be pronounced Sequel or S. Q. L. On this site, we will consider the Sequel pronunciation. For this reason, the abbreviation will always be considered as a word, which would result in “A SQL statement” instead of “An SQL statement". Also, on this site, we will regularly write, “The SQL” instead of “The SQL language, as the L already represents Language.
Learning SQL
SQL is a standard language and universally used. Like most other computer languages such as C, C++, Pascal, C#, or Java, you need a way to use it on your computer. This access is provided by a language engine that can receive your instructions and produce a result. In other words, you need a program that uses SQL as its means of communication. There are many of them in the market. They include Corel Paradox, Oracle, Microsoft Access, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, etc. Some of these programs are easier to get, some are not.
Although the SQL is monitored by an independent organization, it is not unusual that each company adds a few features to its own implementation. For this tutorial, we will try to use the most standard implementation possible. Since we cover Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server separately in http://www.functionx.com, for our lessons, we will mostly use MySQL.
MySQL is a database application whose popularity has been growing tremendously. If it is getting so commonly used, it is an indication that it is good, efficient, effective, stable, and reliable.
The Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine
If you don't want to use MySQL, you can use an alternative from Microsoft. This is provided through the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine or MSDE. Like MySQL, MSDE has its own advantages:
* MSDE is freely available
* The interpreter used by MSDE is highly compatible with the SQL standard and, coincidentally, is the same used by Microsoft SQL Server
MSDE Setup
To get Microsoft SQL Server, you can first download it. To download the trial version of Microsoft SQL Server, go to the Microsoft web site at http://www.microsoft.com and do a search on "Trial Software". You should be given a link to the Microsoft SQL Server trial edition. The advantage of Microsoft SQL Server over MSDE is that the former provides a visual environment that allows you to see what you are doing. MSDE doesn't have an interface: it relies on external products, such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server, to show its result. After downloading Microsoft SQL Server, follow the instructions to install it.
Most SQL expressions used in these lessons can be run in most database environments. To reduce the number of instructions given in the lessons, for the rest of this site, we will give instructions for the MySQL.
Practical Learning Practical Learning: Setting Up Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine
If you will be using another database environment to learn SQL, you can skip this exercise. This is only meant to help you set up MSDE
1. First download the MSDE from the Microsoft web site. To get it, go to http://www.microsoft.com and do a search on MSDE. A link will let you know how to download it
2. After downloading MSDE, click Close
3. To install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, open the Command Prompt and switch to the folder that contains the package you downloaded. By default, this would be C:\MSDERelA
4. In your mind, make up a password you will use for this account. As for me, I will use Yevol1
Therefore, type setup SAPWD="Yevol1"
In the double-quotes, provide a password of your choice
5. Press Enter
When the installation is over, you may be asked to restart the computer
6. If so, click Yes
7. After restarting the computer, to start the server, in the system tray, right-click the icon with a red dot
8. In the context menu, click MSSQLServer - Start
9. To make sure that it restarts every time the computer comes up, double-click that same icon
10. On the dialog box, click the Auto-Start Service When OS Starts check box
11. Then close the dialog box
Environment Startup
Once you get your database environment ready, you should test it. Before testing it, you must start or launch it. Each environment provides its own approach.
If you plan to use Microsoft Access, we have a separate site for it. In the same way, if you will be using Microsoft SQL Server, we created its own site.
If you will be using MySQL, you can start it as follows:
Practical Learning Practical Learning: Starting MSDE
1. To start MSDE, open a DOS command prompt
2. At the command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter
3. To exit from the MSDE prompt, type exit and press Enter
4. To close the prompt, type exit and press Enter
Introduction to SQL
The Structured Query Language (SQL) is the most popular language used in computers to create and manage databases. SQL is a language with its own syntax and grammar. SQL is a universal language that doesn't belong to a particular company. This makes it easy for different companies or programming environments to adopt it. In this site, we will study techniques of creating databases and we will use the SQL.
SQL can be pronounced Sequel or S. Q. L. On this site, we will consider the Sequel pronunciation. For this reason, the abbreviation will always be considered as a word, which would result in “A SQL statement” instead of “An SQL statement". Also, on this site, we will regularly write, “The SQL” instead of “The SQL language, as the L already represents Language.
Learning SQL
SQL is a standard language and universally used. Like most other computer languages such as C, C++, Pascal, C#, or Java, you need a way to use it on your computer. This access is provided by a language engine that can receive your instructions and produce a result. In other words, you need a program that uses SQL as its means of communication. There are many of them in the market. They include Corel Paradox, Oracle, Microsoft Access, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, etc. Some of these programs are easier to get, some are not.
Although the SQL is monitored by an independent organization, it is not unusual that each company adds a few features to its own implementation. For this tutorial, we will try to use the most standard implementation possible. Since we cover Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL Server separately in http://www.functionx.com, for our lessons, we will mostly use MySQL.
MySQL is a database application whose popularity has been growing tremendously. If it is getting so commonly used, it is an indication that it is good, efficient, effective, stable, and reliable.
The Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine
If you don't want to use MySQL, you can use an alternative from Microsoft. This is provided through the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine or MSDE. Like MySQL, MSDE has its own advantages:
* MSDE is freely available
* The interpreter used by MSDE is highly compatible with the SQL standard and, coincidentally, is the same used by Microsoft SQL Server
MSDE Setup
To get Microsoft SQL Server, you can first download it. To download the trial version of Microsoft SQL Server, go to the Microsoft web site at http://www.microsoft.com and do a search on "Trial Software". You should be given a link to the Microsoft SQL Server trial edition. The advantage of Microsoft SQL Server over MSDE is that the former provides a visual environment that allows you to see what you are doing. MSDE doesn't have an interface: it relies on external products, such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server, to show its result. After downloading Microsoft SQL Server, follow the instructions to install it.
Most SQL expressions used in these lessons can be run in most database environments. To reduce the number of instructions given in the lessons, for the rest of this site, we will give instructions for the MySQL.
Practical Learning Practical Learning: Setting Up Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine
If you will be using another database environment to learn SQL, you can skip this exercise. This is only meant to help you set up MSDE
1. First download the MSDE from the Microsoft web site. To get it, go to http://www.microsoft.com and do a search on MSDE. A link will let you know how to download it
2. After downloading MSDE, click Close
3. To install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine, open the Command Prompt and switch to the folder that contains the package you downloaded. By default, this would be C:\MSDERelA
4. In your mind, make up a password you will use for this account. As for me, I will use Yevol1
Therefore, type setup SAPWD="Yevol1"
In the double-quotes, provide a password of your choice
5. Press Enter
When the installation is over, you may be asked to restart the computer
6. If so, click Yes
7. After restarting the computer, to start the server, in the system tray, right-click the icon with a red dot
8. In the context menu, click MSSQLServer - Start
9. To make sure that it restarts every time the computer comes up, double-click that same icon
10. On the dialog box, click the Auto-Start Service When OS Starts check box
11. Then close the dialog box
Environment Startup
Once you get your database environment ready, you should test it. Before testing it, you must start or launch it. Each environment provides its own approach.
If you plan to use Microsoft Access, we have a separate site for it. In the same way, if you will be using Microsoft SQL Server, we created its own site.
If you will be using MySQL, you can start it as follows:
Practical Learning Practical Learning: Starting MSDE
1. To start MSDE, open a DOS command prompt
2. At the command prompt, type osql -E and press Enter
3. To exit from the MSDE prompt, type exit and press Enter
4. To close the prompt, type exit and press Enter
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